A-110/2, Wazirpur
Industrial Area
New Delhi

What we Stand for

Product and Process Innovation coupled with Best-in Class management practices enable us to constantly offer our customers better value for their money. A strong Logistics capability and a world-wide network of dealers, warehouses and transport linkages ensure customer proximity and localized service in diverse geographies.


Our Safety Principles

We seek to foster the belief amongst all employees and contractors that an injury-free work place can be achieved. Further, with the commitment of all, that an injury-free work place will be achieved.

Our Core Value

We wish to create an environment and belief that we can always meet our promise to our customers. Further, with the commitment of all, our customer experience with us will be complaint free with all promises met. We seek all our employees to rank this as a highest belief, thereby making it a core value.

Experienced & Happy Staff

We invest back in the best machinery, testing equipment & training for our people, so that they are ready to use top notch technologies. We have the lowest attrition rate in the industry. Our people like to stay with us, grow with us.

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